Am I on the Right Track?
So we have just a few days left of class and it is passed time to start thinking about what we will be writing in our final paper and presentation. I have decided that I am definitely going to concentrate on the ACE program. However, I feel that I need to choose a focus. And maybe changing my focus isn't the best way to put it. I feel like in the last two blogs based on the comments that I received is that I need to tighten things up. So that is what I am going to do. Maybe instead of changing focuses I will get focused.
"The College of Possibilities in Your Neighborhood.", is the slogan for the College Program. I think I will take this and really zoom in on it. Where do we see the slogan? Who specifically is the slogan geared toward? Why did they choose this particular slogan? I think by concentration on the slogan and what it is saying or trying to say will help me stay on track for the paper and presentation. I think be in the last two blogs I wasn't really looking on what that mean, the slogan?
The ACE Program is targeting a specific group of people. Who are these people? Well lets go back to the slogan, "The College of Possibilities in your neighborhood". So the first thing that I think of is that the people that we are trying to attracted are people who live close to the school. Then I see that we are looking for people who are hopeful. This slogan give me a hopeful feel. So people who are looking for more or who need more to survive. Maybe people who don't have to many other options?. Maybe people who have tired other things and it just didn't work We aren't really trying to attacked young kids who have the opportunity to go to several colleges. I think , " your neighborhood also suggest that the people we are looking to attend the college program are busy, so coming to the school is convenient. Identifying the target market is probably the most clear execution of anything that the college program has done. They found their niche with who that want in the program.
Based on the comments made it seems as though i at least have an idea of what is expect. So I am going to take the comments that I got and will get and apply them to focusing on what the slogan is saying. I hope I am on the right track!
I like what you are doing - try to be more objective as an analyst and less engaged as a representative for your organization. This paper should not focus on the reasons why ACE advertises the way it does, but simply on how ACE is marketing itself. Unpack more than just the slogan. Consider areas of outreach - does ACE advertise in local papers? Do they have billboards or other public display ads? How do they try to raise money from benefactors? I'm very much looking forward to reading your paper!